Travel ·
Lybethras Muse Mariah Rivera

Meet our #lybethrasmuse Mariah Rivera wearing our Maju bikini in green.
Where are you based ?
I live in Tampa and do most of my shoots there. I also travel to Sarasota as well.
What do you most love in life ?
My son, I love watching him grow more and more everyday.
What is in your beach bag ?
Maui babe, and a sand cloud. That's all I bring with me and my favorite sunglasses.
Which places do you want to travel ?
There's so many places! I'd love to go to Bora Bora, or Greece.
Any travel tip or place that you consider a must go ?
California, I've only been once but have wanted to go back since I left.
Which is your favorite lybethras bikini and why ?
I love all of them, the colors are amazing on!
Any tips to keep your body beautiful ?
Eating right and drinking lots of water!
Keep up with Mariah on instagram
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