Lybethras Muse Samantha Viola

Meet our #lybethrasmuse Samantha Viola
with our Kylie onepiece in black in Miami Beach.

"Samantha Viola created She’s Going after realizing how Traveling has enhanced her life and ultimately became her passion.
She’s Going is a platform for inspiration and influence as she shares her life; turning exaggerated dreams into realities.
Samantha has traveled to over 30 countries, logged over 200k miles, & met thousands of men and woman of different cultures… all of which she shares with the world on social media."
Describe yourself in 3 words:Positive, Spontaneous, Ambitious
What do you most love in life?
In short, I love to travel and broaden my horizens through new experiences and people I meet.
Favorite lybethras Swimsuit and why?
My favorite Lybethra Swimsuit was the black one piece I wore in Miami. I felt very comfortable and still sexy with the low cut front and back. Not to mention how soft the material is!
What is important in a swimwear for you?
I only wear suits that make me feel sexy and confident.
Which colors do you prefer to use in a swimwear?
It depends on how tan I am. I may stick to duller colors when pale then as I get tanner I love a bright pink or white bikini.

What's in your beach bag?
My messy beach bag consist of: Sunglasses, Coola Suncreen & Lip balm, Brush, Hairstories Summery spray for beach waves, my Gopro Hero 5 and Stabilzer, Gum, Louie card holder, and my Iphone (for the few moments it’s not glued to my hand.)
Favorite place to wear your Lybethras Swimwear?
Any gorgeous beach! I’ve worn them from The Gili Islands in Indonesia to South Beach Miami.
Which places do you want to travel?
Oh Gosh, Everywhere! Around the world and back again...
What do you do to get your beach body? Could you give us some tips?
Since I travel so often, it’s hard to stay on a set schedule, so I do my best to maintain a healthy lifestyle balancing my diet and workouts.
I feel that if I start the day off being good with eggwhites or yogurt It’ll stay that way. I’ve reduced my consuption of red meat, while increasing my vegtables and fish. On the go I snack on Cliff bars (which are much better than plane food.) Lastly, I’ve limited the amount I drink alcohol which I feel makes a huge difference.
As for exercising, I find myself doing so at the gym or at home (wherever that may be.) I hate running but love spin classes and the stairmaster. I like to stay tone by mixing up full body
Keep up with Samantha on instagram
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